Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Well Jody, You officially know more than I do! Haha, thanks for the info! It is actually more along the lines of 116'. It's got a blue hull which is lovely for me but a huge pain when I actually start having to clean it. They show marks like none other. It's kind of like getting a black truck. But I love the blue hulls. I think they're beautiful.

Laz and I have been corresponding and he has let me know that it will be a deck/stew position with about 50/50 duties. I'll be on a 3 month trial period where it'll be more 25deck/75stew. I'm a little nervous just because I have not taken any silver service courses and have never been involved with such fine dining. Apparently the wife is really into it, too. Unfortunately no classes are offered for the course until September and if they are, then I've already missed the first couple of days. So, I'm going in a little blind but if I survive the first 3 months I've got a job.

I'll be leaving here on the 17th. That leaves me another 8 days to enjoy Palma. I've got a few things I'd like to do. Finding my camera is among those things. Anyways, that's the update. I'm off to enjoy the day. Adios amigos!

P.S. I cut my hair really short. I like it a lot. K Love you Bye!



Unknown said...

Wow, you were living in luxury on the Revelation! I had no idea that the quarters would be so spacious. Bet you can look up stuff about serving in a formal setting on line. Might be a good idea. Way too many forks involved:)


Anonymous said...

I have your camera, ha you must of got a new one. Anyway glad to hear you are employed, good job and stick with it. We will miss you ya tomorrow. Be safe and watch out for pirates.